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Showing posts from September, 2015


Hello blog readers its been a while. Happy new week pals. Hope you all had a great weekend? Mine wasn’t so fantastic but all glory belongs to God. I compiled some inspirational quotes for us to start off our week with.


“Now, if you fall among this category, please come forward. This might be your last chance.”  The voice of the minister trailed off  I had a push inside me to go out but I was too ashamed. I didn’t want people staring at me. The preacher had spoken directly to me but I was yet to understand how giving my life to Christ would solve everything, yet I couldn’t keep the urge to go out for the altar call away.


Habit are traits that are pretty strong to break off. Sometimes, we act in a certain way subconsciously. There are many vices or actions that are taking grip of Christians all over the world that are constitutes both wrong and sin. These have in turn become traits or habits associated with its victims. For example, someone once said, there’s no male youth that did not undergo masturbation. This act is now like a welcome habit in the world of today. Some parents wave it off with statements like…it’s a phase, he’ll get over it. These actions have taken grip of so many Christians and completely destroyed their lifes, for some, it has frustrated all kinds of relationship they enter into. Once, these vices become habits to you, it can be quite hard to break from. Some of these vices include smoking, drinking, masturbation, petty stealing and others.